Gentle Readers....
Laudetur Jesus Christus!! The prayers that we have been praying since July 7, 2007 have been answered... Roma locuta est... causa finita est. (Rome has spoken and the cause has been finished!)
Father Reid of St. Ann Catholic Church on Park Rd in Charlotte today announced from the sanctuary after all Sunday Masses that His Excellency, Bishop Jugis, had received word from Rome to do what he could to support the group of faithful that had petitioned via the process of Summorum Pontificum to which His Excellency turned to Fr. Reid and the parish of St. Ann.
How appropriate that St. Ann's and Fr. Reid who have been so generous and so supportive of the Mass in the Extraordinary form should be asked to fulfill this mission. It was announced today that the Sunday Mass in the Extraordianry form will be offered beginning March 3 at 12.30pm. (just one month from the beautiful Missa Cantata of Sexagesima).
So, while one set of prayers have been answered, there are a number of new prayers that need to be offered up. This will not be easy for Fr. Reid and the parish. For such a small parish to support both forms of the Latin rite means dual calendars, dual sermons, dually trained servers, and a stretching of the small, but wonders, music ministry of St. Ann's.
We must continue to pray for Fr. Reid to have the strength to support both forms, and we must all do more than pray... we must support this Mass with our attendance, alms, and talent and treasure. One of the most important of these if there is ever to be anything more than a Low Mass, is to volunteer for a 12.30pm schola. It is unlike that the St. Ann's Choir will be able to do much more than the high feasts that do not coincide with the Novus ordo feast such as Christ the King.
This is truely a great day to offer up our thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity for this font of graces that will so be available to us... and as importantly, we must give thanksgiving for His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI ... Long may he reign!
Orémus pro Pontífice nostro Benedetto... Dóminus consérvet eum, et vivíficet eum, et beátum fáciat
eum in terra, et non tradat eum in ánimam inimicórum ejus.
16 hours ago
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