Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fact: His Excellency, Bishop Jugis to assist at St. Ann's Solemn High Mass

Dear Readers... I have heard wonderful news announced by Fr. Reid at Mass....

Not only will St. Ann's of Charlotte be offering a Solemn High Mass on Tuesday, July 26th, but His Excellency, Peter Jugis, Bishop of the Diocese of Charlotte will be assisting a the Mass in choir!

This is an answer to my one of my regular prayers for His Excellency to assist in one of the beautiful Masses in the Extraordinary form offered by Fr. Reid at St. Ann's.

Please pray with me for our Shepherd Bishop Jugis, Fr. Reid, assisting Clerics, servers, and schola without whom we would not have these Graces available to us.

Sacérdos et Póntifex et virtútum ópifex, pastor bone in pópulo, sic placuísti Dómino.

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