What a joy this would be if this Mass can be confirmed.... as not only is it a great feast to celebrate, but it would also honor the 5th anniverary of implemantion of Summorum Pontificum of Benedict XVI (Long may he reign!).
If this Mass comes to fruition, it would likely be the first of a number of Masses to close out the year, if looking at past years is any indication. For example, last year, the following High Masses were offered at St. Ann's in the autumn (and it's potential date if it is repeated again this year):
Feast of Chist the King - Sunday, Oct. 28
Feast of the Immaculate Conception - Saturday, Dec. 8
IV Sunday of Advent (anticipated) - Saturday, Dec. 22
Pray dear Readers, that these Masses may come to fruition!
Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi, quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.